I must have recently caught some waves
For, suddenly I am surfing and I have never even taken a single lesson
All of my inner strength and endurance shook hands behind my back with my faith while I was busy belly-aching about how shitty life can be
I could see myself coming out of a massive downward spiral that, over time, I had managed to fall into
Visions become manifestations when they become crystal clear somewhere in your head
I am not proud to admit that I fed into the shadows, could feel myself slowly losing my mind
And, in the blink of an eye, all of it is somehow behind me
We all must learn to free ourselves completely from negative thinking
We must focus on our many blessings and stop worrying about all the things we may never own
My ego tells me that I have grown into quite a magnificent, beautiful creature and I have no reason to disagree
I have disowned all of the features that did not compliment my skin tone, all of the bullshit that was never really a part of what is me
I always win, one way or another
I always pull myself up and out of every frustrating and unhealthy abyss
Bliss was never promised , nor has it ever even been a given
We must find it on our own within all that we decide to create
Fate has always been a mythological story that human kind has always toyed with and turned into a down right fucking lie
Like black cats crossing our paths and the supposed unlucky number thirteen, which is actually a four
Add a zero and it becomes something clandestine and sacred
Numbers are the loveliest music that we must learn how to compose and care for with diligence and the utmost respect
We must never neglect figuring out the math that has been born unto us
It is the reasoning why some of us become goody two shoes and the rest of us addicts of whatever kind
Never looking forward nor behind ourselves is the key
When we get stuck in binds and become blind to what we should all see, we must do the math-the only way to free ourselves....