Poetic Dan

I declare

I\'m using my heart for what hearts are for
I\'m thankful to the universe for bring it on

I\'m Greatful for the power to heal from the soul
Connecting through the spirit of our truthful song
Never a door closed not one single thought hidden
Life made me look for the reason behind the curtain
To find it just reflecting back to being my decision
Generations have been waiting to arise at this moment
There are no mistakes this is all on the horizon
When you sail over that fear knowing why you\'re here
To get to end knowing you hold only one thing
Unconditional love that can never be taken
Ready to jump straight back in for another lesson
Or Maybe you\'ll decide to help from another dimension

I\'m now fully satisfied with every path that I\'ve taken
Happily stepping forward knowing it\'s all our manifestation
Nothing is left behind when using your heart like a mason
Any experiences from now will only strengthen this foundation
Blessed for the windows of time for staying permanently open