
When All the Fun Was Over

When all the fun was over,

After a thousand hugs and teary goodbyes,

We departed from the wilderness,

And returned to our lives.


Sitting here in the cold morning air,

I can’t help but think of those wonderful memories,

And what I always seem to forget

Is that it was only yesterday.


It brings a smile to my face,

When I remember your kindness,

And now I can only promise,

“I will always remember you.”


And as I return home, the fears,

The fears I’d shooed away return.

I’m scared. So, so scared.

Scared of myself, and of what I might do.


But what all of you taught me,

Is that fear itself is the source of weakness.

Here I stand on the precipice of desire,

And one step forward will bring me plummeting to my death.


So I remember your words,

I remember that life only we shared together.

Laughing in scorn at that terrible precipice,

I turn away from the abyss of my existence.


It doesn’t matter how much it pokes and prods me,

Because I will break free of my shackles,

Marching into a foggy future,

Becoming brighter and brighter with every step.


So even now as all the fun is over,

I remember what you shared with me,

The tears, the laughter, the adventures,

So I promise not to let the fun be over yet.