Kurt Philip Behm

The Fire Of The Unknown (+5)

\"A man’s true spirit can only be forged and replenished

    —in the fire of the unknown.\"


(Last Line Of Chapter 18 In My Novel ‘Revenge Along The War Trail) …. Published Sept 1, 2016



Silent Prayer


Your passion unheard

  —words turn to prayer


Wishes now blessings

  —hope in the air


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)



Riches Unknown


The chest is open

  —its treasure exposed


The jewels uncounted

  —with riches unknown


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)




His Destiny Wed


In the song of the antelope,

  the Prince heard his Queen


Now locked in a convent,

  her beauty unseen


The tower still distant,

  its ramparts on guard


Just one point of entry

  a hero’s reward


The mist in the valley

  her prison unseen


Through clouds in the distance

  her pleadings, her screams


The miles before him

  twin antlers ahead


His future unfolding

  —his destiny wed


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)  



Memories Of Jim


Little Lord Fauntleroy

  left to devise


His future uncertain

  a past once despised


Little Lord Fauntleroy

  his choice lies within


To do unto others

  or do unto him


Little Lord Fauntleroy,

  escape from these walls


The lords and new creatures

  —your legacy calls


(Memories Of Jim-Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)



The Repose Of Angels


Switching to off,

  the channel went dead


The music silent

  inside my head


The repose of angels

  dreams of a child


Respite from salvation

  —just for awhile


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)