
Cadaverous Climate Controlled Cave Creature ©

(Idea engendered from Lombok earthquake: Indonesia)

Nary a chink of illumination pierces thru

thick cavernous rock solid chamber home

to this crepuscular anchorite,

who spent untold countless chunks of time

holed up deep underground

initially to escape deadly blight,

that afflicted vast swaths of

twenty first century

long fostered civilization,

the post apocalyptic scattered remnants

forced into subterranean redoubts

reliant on stowed away tallow

uber wax to forge poorly guided

niggardly flickering burning candlelight

where quotidian ritual entails doth dight

this Jainist Joplin ascetic, who

already donned the mantle,

sans adjustment to darkened eyesight

imposing keen aural habituation

to discern, and distinguish any fright

full scurrying, skittering,

slithering, unseen presence

triggering thine nostril to sneeze,

which nasal (gesundheit) claxon

serves to scarify shadowy silhouetted height

giving infinitesimal pause,

thence worry free insight

since my judicious jumbled

juxtaposed metaphorical jacklight

philosophies, viz Jainism, Jesuit,

and Judeo-Christian allows

no cavil, indiscriminate killing,

nor Homo sapien superiority

toward multitudinous life forms instilled

into former existence as good Samson Knight,

now effectivel embedded,

entombed, and interred

within bowels of the Earth

hum canticle refrains

softly enunciating such psalms

to eternal night.