Kurt Philip Behm

When Reason Falls (+2)

It’s hard to do the right thing

  when fate calls your name out loud


Where not only the bad get punished

 in its pursuit


The world has lost its way

   along the path of least resistance


Our ethos dueling the hunger pangs

 of human nature at its root


So many have been killed

 in the ageless battle for truth immortal


A deadly fight with rules afoul

 that change from night to day


The sun though always rising east

 the moon diverts its purpose


As reason falls when memory stalls

  —the righteous kept at bay


(Villanova Pennsylvania: August, 2018)



If Walls Could Talk


Sentenced wrongly

  imprisoned well


The bars a fortress

  —where voices dwell


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)



The Fortress


From the rock of ages

  a pebble thrown


A thundering crash

 —from David’s stone


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)