
I have let them all go, those ghosts from the past

It seems like every time anything lasts, when it is no longer there ,it\'s imprint upon your soul could outlast a holocaust

Right now, I am single and I truly feel like I am lost

Friends surround me now, but it\'s just not even close to the same

I guess I can\'t be happy unless I am playing the game

My problem is, I play it too well

By the time they get around to falling, I already feel trapped, like I\'m stuck in Hell

I want a man who has enough balls to take the reigns

A boy who calls me on all of my shit because he truly cares, not just so that he can call a spade a spade

Someone who adds his magic to my light, rather than leaving me in his shade

I am an expert when it comes to true passion

I have played the brutal field for way too many moons

They surround me panting  like a bunch of beautifully hungry baboons

My lotus is alive

In full bloom somewhere upon my sacred lily pad 

Looking for the kind of love like I have never really had completely before

I have opened up all of my windows, unlocking my front door

I made a copy of my key to give him once I see him make his move

I don\'t even yet know who this fucker is, but I can fell him closing in on me

I know that he exists and I know that he will be the one

My Egyptian husband, sent to me by Ra, the magnificent keeper of the Sun

For now all I can do is look damned good while I wait

My anxiety is about to become the death of me

All I can see is love and light now, or else I just may be done

Smoking gun

Beast in flames

Creature of every element but Earth

Giving birth to many souls, becoming a gateway

The Nexus

The point between the physical and the divine

Seeing the truth by knowing the signs

Waiting for all the soldiers to about face and stand in line to enter my domain

The truth is plain and simple, I need to find my man

Its like I don\'t want to make any more plans without him, whoever he may be

He needs to hurry his little ass up and come see his Nexus!
