
Mercy Mildness

Tune: Grafenberg

(one tune to \'City of God, how broad and far\')


Seeking to find way through with God

See path His Son has trod

Has gone before us, He our way

To light of dawning day


People rejoice, redeemed, restored

Return now to your Lord

Christ our only mediator

He our confidence sure


None other one could pay the price

But His life did suffice

The perfect sacrifice, offering

We Him our praises bring


He graces mild upon us showers

Forgiveness us endowers

His Spirit given dwells within

To keep us free from sin


Propitiation, God speaks kind

To human heart and mind

Come find through Christ my Son life true

Salvation e\'en to you


For He seeks not our law-keeping

But our lives to Him bring

Then empowered to meet each need

His Spirit does us lead


Christ in us the hope of glory

E\'en to eternity

Find here my heart, my life, I pray

Your humble home alway