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My Selves

My Selves


My better self is very good

And is a man to know

With an ethical way to him

And with an honor code


He really is a person

Living life as he should

And is an example for all others

With his morals good


My better self is a man

That’s respected too

With the things that he does

A lesson for the youth


He really is the best of persons

And tries to never hurt

A kind soul like himself

That’s so easily disturbed


My better self is a man

But still only a man

And I have another side

That few can understand


He is very self-centered man

And often cheats and lies

He also cusses quite a bit

And drinks some every night


My other man is very resentful

And always feels defeated

With the good things in his life

Absent though he cheated


My other self is a person

That few would want to know

And I try my very best

To never let him show