

Time will never stop in life just like pain and joy.
Time is something that is very limited and something we should value deeply.
Time is something we should all cherish for when our time comes to an end our journeys end and continue on to paradise.
Time never stops no matter how much pain we go through or how many times we feel joy, time doesn\'t stop moving forward so start living today as if it were your last.
Maybe one day we will get better and appreciate the time we have left.
Maybe we should just forget about the pain and forget about our past no matter how dark it maybe.
Maybe should be like time and push through the dark experiences and live for the best experiences.
Maybe one day we should all be like time and keep moving forward in life having nothing holding us back anymore and break the chains we once hand tied to us.
Maybe time is all that we need to love life and be happy.
Time, cherish it for when time comes to its destination everything we once loved and enjoyed will be gone once more. Never again shall time take what we love so cherish what you have