Kurt Philip Behm

Dark Reflection (+5)

We are never

  so afraid


As when frightening



That face in the mirror,

  the one that won’t leave


A shadow looming over

  —eternity’s sleeve


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)



The Rebel


Was there ever a rebel

  on the inside looking out


By definition he’s outside

  —his legend to shout


The insurgent, his tactic

  playing Russian Roulette


Holding the status quo hostage

  —with fear and regret


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)



Forever On Hold


A literary sociopath…

  Hemingway wrote


Both gifted and tortured,

  his words they provoke


A verbal combatant

  with battles foretold


His last the most fatal

  —all memory on hold


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)




Prisoner Of Disguise


The words flock together

  and stretch on the frame


Their meaning runs over

  still wet from the pain


The canvas is porous

  the easel maligned


The curtains blow outward

  faces calling in mime


The streets all a-chatter,

   it was Paris in spring


And striving to look busy

  the most important of things


Looking back at my window

  above the tannery so high


A shadow stares back

  —and I flee in disguise


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)



The True Cost


The answer never welcome…

   ‘The Price Of Joy Is Pain’


A question forever mired

  —in perpetual disdain


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)



Words Of Hope


Left on their own,

  my words turn to prayer


Renewing my faith

  —confirming You’re there


Spoken aloud,

  they lodge in my soul


Warming my heart

  —and keeping me whole


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)