Poetic Dan

Na na na na Na na na na BatDan

I wish to start by telling you of a moment
When I surprised my nephews in costume
I was BatDan and a friend was the Joker
We played out a little story and sat for tea

I\'m not ashamed to say I didn\'t take it off
Dropped to the train station feeling incredible
I hear people at a pub shouting at me
As I finished rolling my smoke, there stood three men in front of me
Asking for pictures then walking back over the road
I walked down the path to puff away from the people
As I walked back up feeling a awesome sense of pride
A lady starts shouting \"someone call the police\"
I laugh in my head thinking but I am here-no need to fear
To my surprise in my next stride I see a guy grab another guy
It\'s one of the lads that was over at the pub
As he flings a young boy at the window I step straight in
My arm is in front of the aggressor as he trys a head butt
Luckily it missed and he just looked at me for a second
Wanting to hit this other boy for knocking his phone on the floor
My response was \"is it really worth getting nicked for\"
Finally one of his group come and helped pull him off.

I honestly still can\'t believe all that happened
It actually started a bit of a pattern a few more times I went out as BatDan
The last at a wedding party and that story is nearly the same

Apon reflection last night of always watching heroes
Be it John Wayne, Bruce Lee or cartoon legends
As a man I feel it is in my blood to want to protect
Although I got fed with stories of heroes & villains
We actually all play both sides and need to acknowledge
The good, bad and ugly that lives deep within us all
Once embarrassed you\'ll see we are all imperfectly beautiful
It\'s times to become alive with all you know inside
The dark and the light resonating throughout life - Everlasting for all time