
I know

Despite how hard it is,

I know I can,

in the name of the Lord,

and ONLY in the name Lord,

make a difference.

It is hard to advance,

in a world full of hate,

when you put Jesus ahead of your life.

Still, I believe that we can advance,

without giving up our integrity,

and without giving up our faith.

If I am wrong,

then I am wrong,

but I refuse to die,

without fighting the good fight of faith.

If I am right,

that we can advance,

in this world,

then I must and WILL,

only do it on God\'s Holy Word.

If anyone is willing,

to keep their,

faith and integrity -

if we want to be keen,

to live by our convictions,

then we must live by the Word,

despite how hard it is.

We must realize,

that the enemy,

is not of any race,

or of any nationality.

The enemy,

is not of this world,

but is satan himself.

If we truly want to advance,

we must be diligent,

in knowing who the devil is using,

and when he is using them.

We must not look,

at others differences,

or even give them a first thought.

The only way to advance,

is in Jesus\'s name.