

My headspace is not great right now,

I guess I need a timeout to reflect,

Music is playing in the background,

But am too lazy to make out the words,

It seems my feelings have washed away,

Am feeling a little zombie-like,

Time is flying away, but am too depressed to focus,

My heart is not right,

I guess that is the payback for having expectations,

The tougher gets going,

Don’t know how long I will hold on,

Everything seems heavy,

I drown in sorrows alone,

Maybe tomorrow I won’t be around,

But am grateful for the time I was here,

But if dawn breaks without me I will be in a better place,

I hate that noise,

Damn there goes that noise,

It’s me again it says,

I have decided to let it be a part of me,

Damn that’s my trigger,

My body feels numb and heavy,

The noise triggered my depression,

Well I can just say hi to it,

Dear depression I haven’t seen you in a while,

Hope you enjoyed  cause Boy am back,

It feels great to be back doesn’t it,

Am lost in this blank world,

My life darkens,

I shiver in my suicidal thoughts,

But I won’t make the decision today,

Guess I will reschedule,

Boy I will be back you say,

Guess I better wake up before you are back,

But for now I will hold on,

Till there is nothing to hold on,

I wish you would go forever,