Poetae Opus

At three o’clock

I let myself sway,

On your steps,

In which your eyes reveal

My life without fatigue;


Sweat & blood mark

Our survival’s story,

In which a smile can

Relieve us,

From such a mournful glory;


No one can give up a bone when,

Her world needs,

To get nourished;


Broken words emulate

A future’s tear,

Which is about

To become,

A shadow’s nurturer;


I will not give in;

I will not let my hand sleep,

In a numbness without a dream;


From the sunlight,

I hear your voice claiming

For another shift,

In which your feet and mine could

Cross each other,

And dance a golden sea’s melody,

We’ll always hope,

To find out;


From the silence,

I dream of your breath whispering

For a miracle,

In which your fate could

Unmask such a hidden love,

Which has been forgotten

For a long while,

And build a path,

You will never go back;


Strength & patience manifest,

The Eternity in one minute,

Whereas Good & Evil find themselves as lovers,



Let Emptiness smooth your sores;

Let the water refresh such a shady throat.