
To Andrea

There isn\'t a day or a moment I don\'t miss you and I don\'t see that changing. 

    You were a big part of my life. Even if there was a wide distance between us. It didn\'t make a difference.  

    You kept me company. Thank God for a great long distance plan. There were even times when we would be on the phone in silence, without the awkwardness. Even if some of that silence ended with me snoring.  

     Thanks for not giving up on me. And having what little patience you had. You kept me out of some dark times. 

    I wish you were here now. It\'s funny, well not really that funny. You would say to me \"Jenn, I don\'t know what I would do if something happened to you.\" But I never once thought this would happen. I didn\'t prepare for this. Your last message to me was I miss you. Not as much as I miss you now. I love you. You were one of a kind. There will never be another one. Your Best Friend (the one that sometimes made you want to pull you hair out cause I never said barely two words.) Jenn