
C. Cure T. Clarence ©

Been making, (sans

daily) regular appearance

in the news oval

hate gambling arrogance

vis a vis spewing,

shouting, and scathing rabidly

foaming explosive clap

trap in ascendance,


asserting how incredibly

tremendous collusion between

CIA, FBI and media

(must warrants revocation,

hence heroic intervention,

and emergency dis

Pence sing balance

of security fabled

clearances Aesop - Asap)

hounds engaged \"brilliance\"

in (community) chance

of making an very

usual fool of himself,

viz the \"FAKE\"

trumpeting dapper Don

expostulating the latest ploy,

raging against the machine

i.e. entire popular culture

will get their comeuppance

being so freely outspoken,

a disgraceful unconstitutional defiance

which oh press

sieve act of deviance

spluttered, thus an extreme

measure to clamp down

on all news outlets,

and immediate disappearance

all the while poor

Melania stoically, objectionably

and lamentably stands

right alongside him,

(nonetheless nonverbally


metaphorically exhibiting

vitriolic livid rage)

as he rancorously spouts

(ala VERY) convincing impression

of la va reenactment qua,

Krakatoa volcanic disturbance

lambasting utter disgraceful disservice

(foxy Dis Putin

commercial stations construe, conspire,

conjure egregious collusion

outlets asper dominance

a pugilistic ringside fan loathsomely

(re: scowling non verbally),

wherein pejorative spectators whether

(moral less minority, and/or

majority whips lashing) weather being

subsequently splashed by

LXXII spittle aged

perspiring ogre) with exuberance

(like some voodoo freelance

sing hexed indigo gurl goo goo doll,

a villainous venal mummified

rattle trap declaring forbiddance

from this moment forward grievance

fomented by via triple threat

to American democracy

sans, intransigence, insouciance, ignorance,

thus taking recourse upon the heads

of \"stupid\" journalists forcing hand

toward \"losers\" who spread lies,

hence president signs issuance

analogous to lance

sing (via strong trumpeting arm),

a yuge bigly boil saying believe me

(meaning him - moron in chief)

asseverating the congressional,

global, and orbital

bulwark acting with noncompliance

necessitating entire military

industrial complex arsenal

heavily reinforced (at

the expense of every social,

governmental, environmental, etc cetera

to manage unruly populace

with mandatory diktat decreeing obeisance

with non dodging demagoguery

huff ford ding auto-da-fé fiat ordinance

this platform to guarantee overdominance,

when November 2020 election

for forty sixth president

takes place with poignance!