Kurt Philip Behm

Eternity\'s Wings (+3)

The last door now open,

  freedom’s been found


The air burns electric

  the words different sounds


To fly unabated

   with heavens consent


En masse celebration,

  the god’s do relent


All feeling enraptured

   new joy to be shared


The journey, the struggle

   —salvation ensnared


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)


New Storms


How now the vanishing wind…


The days are upon us

 last season begins


All words are regifted

 and placed into song


As time has now shifted

 our last excuse gone


How now the suffering lies…


The light burns immortal

 old visions decry


What’s done long behind us

 new storms call our name


The clouds mark their entry

 —the past left to blame


(Villanova Pennsylvania: August, 2018)



Bastard Of Time


When time loses its hold

  do you choose a new father


Free of place and all station

   even freer from blame


Your mother is now

  and your mother forever


But your father is a choice

  much more than a name


Do you wrestle in torment

  as he calls out to you timeless


 Beyond the past and the future  

    —where you forever remain


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)



Mariah\'s Song


As long as the wind blows

  Poets will not be forgotten


Their words the breezes carry forth

  —their thoughts to heaven thrown


(Villanova Pennsylvania: August, 2018)



To Me


Poetry is to be given away

  and never ever sold


A gift beyond what time demands

   —and wrapped in leaves of gold


(Villanova Pennsylvania: August, 2018)