
Forgiveness Full

Tune: Hereford

(\'O thou who camest from above\')

Psalm 130


Out of the depths to you, LORD, I cry

Hear my cry, do not pass me by

O LORD hear my voice and my pleas

My soul for refuge to you flees


If you, LORD, should mark our sins, keep

Record of wrongs, we shall mourn, weep

But with you there is forgiveness

That you we fear in your goodness


My soul waits for Him patiently

In His word I hope constantly

Let Israel hope in the LORD true

With Him they find blessings anew


Mercy, redemption, plenteous

His grace and salvation for us

He all Israel\'s sins shall redeem

It shall be true, not fantasy, dream


We thank you, LORD, sins you count not

Nor remember them, though were a lot

In your covenant promises sure

You forgive, forget them evermore


If we turn to your throne of grace

You will save us, redeem each race

Forgiveness, redemption you bring

In grateful thanks to you we sing