Poetic Dan


Imagine a world where Energies talk

They connect with no judgemental thoughts

What if your body language gave away your facade

That inside all the whos you\'re the same as they are

The ones that have it together
The ones that are falling apart
The ones bluffing their entire path

I have been them all and I will be again
As I let go of my belief of the who I am
Having faith in the message that \"I am\"
A miracle out of particles ready to jam

No longer the boy that wasn\'t tough enough
Loved dressing up with his sister playing lego and stuff
No longer the man that had to big himself up
Take on the world because no one had it right

The balance is there I\'m just a few triggers away
Now I connect with more that imagine the same
When a kind word may be small but the effect is cosmical
The depth of triggers will be recycled into a new who