
Serious Swagger

serious swagger weighted gait
heavy dirty hard left side sway
gritty sleezy slicked back style
contagious beautiful easy smile         
stone cold sexy mega rockstar status
Smooth icy cool on stage backlit
perfectly posed and pleasently fake
His demeanor portrays a studious
headliner of untold fame
gold lined suited taylored and primed
Walks no struts into the spotlight
All the jaded fans stare amazed
At all his superficial greatness staged
Reaching out just for a glance
Waiting for a insignificant chance
Perfection comes with a price tag attached
Blinded he can’t see the soul he lacks
Isn’t he loved adored by all?
With confidence like he’s 10 feet tall
His so called shallow friends on speed dial
Toast him with designer drinks and plastic smiles
His fame won’t buy his happiness
So he drinks so he’ll forget
What he lost in his way to this