Jim Yates

A Cold Kiss on Pont Neuf

A Cold Kiss on Pont Neuf



The kiss said it all -
A kiss never lies.
There’s no pretence with a kiss,
It’s warm or cold -
Passionate or indifferent.
This kiss was cold
As cold as stone.

All the warm tender kisses
Of yesterday
Will fade away and die,
All that will remain
All he’ll remember
Is the coldness of the kiss
As he stood on Pont Neuf.

The kiss was cold
Like stone
A Judas kind of kiss 
With only one outcome -
The death of love,
The death of a dream
The death of him.

As the sun set
She kissed him goodbye
With a cold kiss
A kiss that froze his soul 
A kiss that broke his heart
A kiss he’ll remember
Until his dying day. 

She turned and walked away
Leaving him destroyed.

She turned and walked away 
Indifferent to his pain and suffering.
She turned and walked away
As the sun disappeared
Behind the beauty of Pont Neuf.


Le Petit  Voisin, rue Saint-Charles, 15éme