I AM ALWAYS DANCING : I guess its .....

In my Spanish genes : The Tango

Passo Doble, Salsa it all fits:

I always dance a fine FANDANGO!


BRIAN can dance : after a fashion

He loves the Waltz and Scottish Dancing

ARGENTIAN TANGO?  Lacks the passion

An in AMERICAN SMOOTH : He prances!


I love the MAORI DANCES  : POI

And STICK DANCE with such passion

I joined in with Iberian joy

I was not treated with derision!


My hair is Black, my skin is Brown

Im Bangladeshi in a Sari

Dance in the Park and in the Town

Henna Tatoos : morph into a MAORI!


Accepted me the MAORI DANCE to learn

Fitted me out with my MAORI DRESS

I learned the POI : cream de la cream

You couldnt tell me from the rest!


Imagine just how shocked poor BRIAN was ......

When he saw me : Dance the POI

He was a little scared : because

Thought I might elope : with a MAORI BOY!


But I assured Him : He is my ALPACA 

His Tongue is LONG : And He can Dance the HAKA!


Hope you enjoyed DANCING QUEEN : Please comment : ANGELA XXXX


BRIAN cried and clapped so hard, when he saw me dancing the

STICK & POI with the Maori Dance Team!  He didnt even recognise

me at first in my Dress and Henna Tattoos! I run Music & Movement

Classes in the UK for Seniors. Im going to introduce POI when I get

back. Men like ORCHII swoon when they see POWDER PUFFS and

BUNNY CLUB Tails!  Understanding the MAORI CULTURE is one of my

biggest delights during my first three Months in NZ.  BRIAN warned

me it would get under my skin AND IT HAS.  Love to All ANGELA XXXX