Jeremy Leach

What happened Grandad?

Well, they asked us to seal our dear country\'s future.
But night and day views left many bewildered.
All that they wanted was stark \'in or out\'
But many cast votes with deeply filled doubt.


It split to the core our sisters and brothers.
For every vote one way, another the other.
Agreement to differ that never felt right
The ball started rolling with no end in sight.


It brought out the worst in our human behaviour.
It flamed up the arguments that burnt on with fervour.
Some became tribal and just had to win
Forgetting the fragile lives of their kin.


Forked tongues from high spoke multiple truths.
Their hidden agendas were bending the news.
The news fed the ears and ears fed the minds.
The people\'s trust was soon trampled behind.


Then people learnt slowly, but without great surprise,
That words from the Weasels had carried some lies.
Promises made quickly toned with additions -
No leader admitted deceit or omission.


The storm, it was raging around our fair Isle!
The people who cared struggled hardest to smile.
The stubborn wouldn\'t listen, would not reconsider
The problems grew deeper, the worry grew bigger!


Who to believe? Which rock to cling to?
Children ... tomorrow you\'ll see as we read Chapter Two.