
A Captive Released is the Better Hero

Senator McCain
A Captive Released is the Better Hero

Senator McCain
Does not modify his manner arbitrarily
or by consensus condemn or complain
Neither will he for political weight or party fate, feign
Or suppress his core values at any cost ​
But will adjust in flexibility and sensitivity
for the people’s due cause
All he has sacrificed adds much merit to his soul
And with every breath of his being and action a hero
His wholeness in compassion and not empty reaction grows
All he aspires to and for, works to our country’s gain
Synonymous with rolled up sleeve duty
More to the eye than suit and tie
Neighborly and at home with a shovel or pen
His truth as well as his hand he can lend
His presence holds no pretense
And assembles no stones of offence
He brings us to center and with grace he leads
With his impartial good sense
In factual word and actual deed
He personifies the very ideal
Of virtuousness, valor and mercy fair
Dutiful and honorable with no retreat
He’s comfort to his country like an easy chair
Relaxed and not fixed to the edge of our seat
With the assurance of stability
We can sit back in the reliability of his continuity
The arms of this chair beautifully covered in civility
Legs firm and set in practicality and framed in credibility

We are held in his moment willingly in symbiotic unity
With his unbiased concern for his nation as his responsibility
His sincerity audible and reliable releases us
from our own captivity and triumphs our trust
With the knowledge that the human spirit
Cannot be held prisoner to another’s action,
Political party, partisan policies, principles, or faction
So we can and should approach in humility
From our state of self reflective captivity
Without the disdainful message of smug superiority
From the few who never see their own prison bar reality
They are shackled by greed and in misdeed handcuffed
Blindfolded and silenced by their lies we are rebuffed
And allow them to bind our liberty
Never recognizing we have the jailer key
To undue all they have done  

Your country’s debt to you Senator McCain
With your unwavering faith and allegiance in aide
To duty and conscience will never be paid
You have emerged as light
Unshadowing the hierarchal darkness
Entrenched in power and political spite
A relied upon promise to overcome might
For those who are governed to do what is just and right
And not become mired down in a constant and unequal fight
That drives hope and possibility from sight
Everything you have tendered from body, heart and soul
For this country will never be given in vain
And your voice and spirit like a noble plea
to American democracy will never fade
And your very presence be renewed through history-MLH

I,as a liberal Democrat ,value your service and your adherance
to the truth and your unshakable principles -Mary L