

The moment was perfect

It meant defeat

Of my soul & my senses

My being & my rationale.


I stood defenseless

Too unarmed to resist

the momentous gleam

of her pearlescent eyes.


I was but prone

to the irresistible darts.

Cutting straight through

My suicidal heart.


The sapphires of her eyes

radiated illume divine

Fierce, blazing.

blinding shine.


A gaze so stealthy,

so penetrating.

so clear, yet

so dilemmatic..

so unheld, yet

so helpless..

so strong, yet

so timid..

so precious, yet

so lost..

so appeasing, yet

so hungering.


So soothing,


so deeply



Turmoil.. turbulence.. uproar..

conceived within me

& everywhere..


Something but averted me

& I refrained,

I devoured my fire

within me..

Scorching my inside

into ashes..

Unseen.. agonizing.. clandestine



& like an innocent slayer

she turned away..

Unknown & ignorant

of what she left behind

In the deep.. dark... fiery
