Tune: Albano
(\'Once, only once, and once for all\')
2 Corinthians 4 v.16-18
Let us not faint and not lose heart
Nor from the pathway start
Knowing our outward form decay
Inward [is] renewed each day
For compare this, our affliction
Though it escapes no one
\'Tis light and \'tis for a moment
Though it be troubles sent
For this does work for us a far
Better thing, none can mar
Work a far more exceeding weight
[Of] Eternal glory great
While looking not at the things seen
That are to senses keen
But looking at things here not seen
That are not small or mean
For the things seen are temporal
They are of this world all
But the things not seen eternal
Are, so we hear God\'s call
His call, not look on outward things
The things time and tide brings
But to eternal, unseen look
We not by Him forsook