
Conversation with Myself

\'Why do you come?\'

My voice is low and echoes around the walls of my head

I run

To a place where I feel less dead

A Forest, a mountain, a tree and a hill

Promise \'till light comes to help me be still 


\'Why do you share?\'

My voice is snide and intimidating now

I dare

In hope of feeling free somehow 

Make tracks upon the forest floor

Hide myself to show myself more


\'Nobody cares. Noone ever will\'

The truth in my head makes me be still

Eyes fill

\'I care!\' I shout back in a voice too weak and shrill 

As I drag myself on, throwing leaves in the air

Making a whirlwind upon which wise trees can stare


\'Well if that is enough, only you can say\'

A softer voice, lulls me away

I linger

Only the forest sees, as I dance and I prance and fall to my knees

As I sing out of tune, no rhythm or rhyme

\'I care\' I shout louder

\'These words. They are mine\'.