
My Heart Bleeds, Venezuela

My heart bleeds, Venezuela

My heart bleeds, Venezuela
It bleeds for your sudden tragic death.
My eyes burn filled up with acrid smoke
From the black murk that hides the stars
Covering the darkened Caracas sky.


My heart bleeds, Venezuela
It bleeds because of untimely deaths,
Cold bodies sprawled in the violent streets,
Mourning parents cry a funeral dirge, hearts ache,
Soldiers spew death indiscriminately.


My heart bleeds, Venezuela
It bleeds for my children, for Mami y Papi.
It bleeds dripping crimson red blood
On the streets of Maracaibo;
There’s gunfire over smoke-choked homes.


It bleeds, yes, a river of blood
To sanctify the innocent land where Bolivar walked.
My heart rises-up to fight, but I choke on my blood;
It bleeds for the Republic of Venezuela
Irrevocably free & independent, with peace.


It bleeds because I\'m human, I’m you.
My saddened heart is filled with hope.
Your mine, for you it’ll always bleed.
It bleeds every day, it bleeds onto the streets,
It bleeds at Plaza Bolívar, Caracas, in America, too...


Venezuelans have got so much blood
to spill inside and outside for its own.
They\'ll bleed so much you\'ll bleed, too,
Until the flag of justice flies again proudly
In the sky of Venezuela’s Bolivarian land.