
Autumn is upon us

Autumn is upon us

The wind blows with a chill

The leaves turn red, orange, yellow

 then begin to fall

Where they were once hanging

green and proud and tall 


The beauty of them fascinates me

Yet tragically it is their death 

So pretty and colourful until their last Breath 

Stronger breeze and 

Shredding leaves 

From nature’s finest deciduous trees

Somehow majestic as if they are now free


Autumn is upon us

As we put on our coat and scarf 

Children jumping in puddles 

As they play and laugh


An umbrella for the rain

Boots and wellies back on again

Not quite ready for the central heating

But it’s nice to snuggle up all the same

Just cold enough in the mornings to snuggle up closer

In the duvet with a warm cup of tea and warm bread from the toaster 



Looking forward to upcoming events

Harvest, thanks giving 

Past times to be reliving 

Not long now to Halloween 

Planning celebrations and

Decorations for all to be seen 


Autumn is so wonderful 

Wouldn’t you agree 

We’re blessed to have all four seasons

Beautiful sights for our eyes to capture explore and see