The Fight


We fought not for the first time or the last time today. Once again I sucombed to the anger within me. 
It grew quietly at your words, 
And I held it off, clouds, that darken so before they burst.

And with falable timing, like rain that starts at night, 
With pointless words and a disguise of anger, I left the room. 
Concealed in my actions, was final straw, you missed. 
But I did not stay, I could not stay to explain.
What would have been the point? You wouldn\'t have listened anyway. 

I didn\'t have the will, or energy to try.
And I had to leave before my body and emotions, united to betray me further. 
You would continue to judge, this time for things you deemed to be in my control.
Control is not the same for everyone. 

But you wouldn\'t know that. 
Because you never tried to sit a while in my chair.
To feel the hopeless and anger, and down right dispear. 
You were never part of the houses To do list. 
And if you were, it didn\'t matter because you could leave. 

Tick me off each morning, like a floor that needs to be cleaned. 
Feed me, as if I am nothing but a pet that needs the care. 
Scould me, when I boil over. 
Be like everyone else on this planet, and equate my age to my needs, or what you need from me.

I am nothing more than a burden to You, 
And if you knew me well you\'d know, that 
In this knowledge stems the reasoning,
I question the validity of all love I am ever shown.