
Ode to an old friend

Sweet blade

Promising tangible pain

Its been awhile

Been doing just \'fine\'


Preparing dinner

Hidden despicable sinner

Trying to do what a good mother should 

I hear you whisper for my blood 


I caress you, push your edge against my skin

Wondering who this fight will win

Longing to tear myself apart

Distraction from my wretched heart


Strong, outspoken drama Queen

Never heard and never seen

Thought another knew her Truth

Delusions reveal he never saw you


Cast out as crazy, left for dead

Don\'t cry baby, noone believes what you said 

Of course even now you elaborate your pain

Your emotions, your drama, your endlesness drain


Noone would even believe you\'re insane

It is all just choice, poetess\' game

If you wanted you could leave this behind

But the cassette\'s stuck in a loop and there is no rewind


The blade shouts that I\'m real

It reveals I can feel

But I put it away

For the sake of my children, here I must stay


But then there is always later tonight

Today and tomorrow and forever the fight