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Homeless In Vegas

Homeless In Vegas


Cedric in Vegas shot his dice

And each day sipped his mad-dog wine

And at 5 o’clock made his way

To the shelter where he stayed


The regulars at the shelter knew

That he always blessed the food

And after which would play cards

Smoking cigarettes and fine cigars


Some saw their luck change

And their lives they regained

With good jobs and money for rent

And reunited with their children again


Cedric continued to pray

For blessings at the shelter each day

And played dominoes and had fun

With no worries not a single one


One day most were surprised to know

That Cedric had family long ago

And they had found him once again

And he went to live with them


There he volunteered at a shelter

Where he was a happy helper

And he went out of his way

To let them know his yesterday


The newly homeless often spoke

Of having nothing and being broke

With Cedric the elder of the group

Giving thanks for their soup