
New York City

Sitting in front of the skyline

Staring down at the crisp water

Imagining what it would be like

To jump and feel like one with the



I wonder how I’ve ended up

In such a lucky position in

Such a rich and endless country.

I can’t imagine myself anywhere else

Sitting on a bench comfortably

Watching the helicopters on top of the city

Watching and protecting.


I’m a black and white kid

watching the glamorous skyscrapers.

The contrasting similarity.

The mother and the child

The protector and the protected.

We the protected

The helicopter a soundless protector.

No voice no lungs just the sound of

Its wings urging to protect the


that was once destroyed

Morally and suffered a major loss.


I suppose I can stay here for a while

To wonder what it would be like

If I was the one in those buildings -

Or I can enjoy my time in the present and 

Think about how

I can someday work on one of these glass giants

Without fear or regret in this limitless city.

I hope that someday I will be one of these glass giants sitting in front me, standing still, and loving the city that they make up.