Kurt Philip Behm

Life Or Death (+1)

Does your good

 outweigh the bad


Is the balance

 happy or sad


Is your intention

 right or wrong


Does your prayer

 turn into song


Does the blame

 weigh down your heart


Can your light

 outshine the dark


Can the joy

 exceed the pain


Does one word

 your soul reclaim


Will His grace

 forgive your sins


Will new life or death



(Villanova Pennsylvania: September, 2018)



Of You And Me


There was a time when I was worth knowing

 before the pain took over


There was a time with joy overflowing

 my wishes steeped in clover


There was a time you knew unfurled

 my love abounding free


There was a time when all the world

 —was made of you and me


(Villanova Pennsylvania: September, 2018)