Poetic Dan

Can\'t Adam and Eve it

Wash it away with me
Cry let it all spill out

Be it from the pain
Of can\'t it let go

Be it from the love
Trying to hold on

Water cleans it all
Deeper for the soul

Light will be altering
Cracks begin to sing

I am open on my stage
So join and find a way

As we find our own replys
To the points that multiplied

 I\'m going to send over one last tune that keeps going round in my head.
I hope by now you can see that I deeply mean every word I use and I want to thank you with every atom of my heart, mind and soul.
You said this morning that I\'m now not the youngest and in this tune he says \"when are you going to write to your older brother\" and now you have.
You made me feel like one today and although we have only had a little chat (but deep) it\'s ripple affect will be amazing you\'ll see.

As for the first time in my life I will say cheers little brov, I\'m glad we\'re both here.

An extra message I wish to send... 

Although his added more fuel to my fire
I want it to be know I welcome any other
All souls are becoming sisters and brothers

As we wash away for a bright tomorrow

I\'ll stay persistent in an open border