
Today I Thought of Five Unique Things

Today I thought of five unique things,

I will list them for you so put away your wings.



What if elephants were our mode of transportation? Would we need peanuts for fuel and would the pollution problem cease or increase?



What if instead of yelling during arguments, we broke out into song? Would more people get along?



What if mankind discovered that we are but a speck of dust compared to another world in our universe? Would our lives have more, less or the same meaning simply because we are small? (Should I reconsider killing that spider in the corner?)



What if humans were nocturnal? Would we not have more night jobs? Or would night even be called night anymore? Would day become night? Would we get ready at night for the workday? Or is it work night? I am confusing myself with this one….. But it is an interesting thought…


Fifth and Final,

What if instead of trying to create sustainability on the moon, we attempted to do so underwater? Why isn’t there more science and inventing focused on re-creating Atlantis?


Thank you, and goodnight!


10:19 pm