
Humility Healing

Tune: Anima Christi

(\'Soul of my Saviour, sanctify my breast\')

Philippians 2 v.1-4


If in Christ there any consolation

Or encouragement unto any one

If any comfort of love, fellowship

As you meet in community, worship


And if there be any bowels, deep feeling

Mercies, affections, every good thing

Share these things together, and then joy be

Known among each one, in Christ-likeness see


So be like-minded, having the same love

Coming from the Spirit, the holy dove

Be of one accord, and of one mind true

A part to contribute there be for you


Let nothing be done in strife, vain-glory

But in lowliness of mind each one be

Let each esteem other better than self

Not only seeking one\'s own profit and wealth


Look not every one on your own things, you

Look every one on things of others too

Sharing needs, interests of family

Of God, our heavenly Father He e\'er be