Kurt Philip Behm

Art\'s Greatest Gift (+1)

The lack of fame

 my spirit free


A bird uncaged

 amongst the trees


Its weight not lifted

 and never there


My breath in sequence

  above the air


The lack of fame

 art’s greatest gift


My oath to no one

 allegiance kept


As thoughts go hither

 and feelings yon


My soul untempered

 —my words to song


(Villanova Pennsylvania: September, 2018)





Waiting for the final ticket out,

 I would write that ending word


And bid goodbye to all I’d said

 both ignored—and often heard


I asked the conductor about the fare,

 he said “How much can you pay”


As I held my pen, three letters  

 came together—so arranged


A moment lingered, a lifetime flashed,

 the past and future caught


And with voucher punched I climbed aboard

 stamped YES—salvation bought


(Villanova Pennsylvania: September, 2018)