
The power of a mask...

You took on a form 

To gain abilities 

To cope with the world

You recreated yourself

To take control of your mental health 


You depended upon that mask

And used its power for 

every painful or scary task

But you depended on it so much

You became the mask


The more you used it

The darker your heart became

You weren’t you anymore

Your good heart had changed

Is it too late 

Will you remain the same

Don’t let darkness become your fate


Sometimes it’s good to feel some pain

It teaches you to grow 

To learn strength and Empathy 

So let the emotions just flow

Don’t hide behind that mask 

You need to let it go

Or the wisdom and lessons from pain

You will never get to know


It is all good to want the courage of a lion, but do you want the arrogance and pride with you at all times as well?

Adapting yourself for life coping methods 

Will only bring you hell