
So Late To The Party

So late to the party.  So late to a

revealing of depth and substance.

What delays the discovery of the

genuine voice that finally speaks

with so few moments before the

hour strikes?  So much to say

now freed of constraint or caution.


Songs to write.  Verse to create.

Symphonies and sonatas to send

into the world.  Why not when

energy and passion flowed hot?

Now the slight tremor makes the 

pen unreliable.  Memory, once

the trusted master of fact, betrays.


Only now, despite the span of

years, the dam breaks and long

waiting words, restrained by 

necessity or circumstance, rush

through the fissure to find air

and life and urgent expression.


The challenge is inherent in the gift.

Now is the time.

Speak.  Create.