
I saw


I saw a
Bird whispering.
A tragic ending
That a leaf feeling
of her leaving
Grew life on the thought
of living life missing
my 🕊.\"

For my heart was far from
that dive that
Wold our love.
Awakening then demons
To get away With one
Like ours was wrong.
Our love should have longed.
And they should have not wanted
a part of.
Taking our chance
Of us making
Leaving leave.
And having chance teach
Us the dance
Back too romance
In love in Renaissance
From Apart the love of dark.

Which got thicker
and the feeling of life
with wife waved away.
That time was at the end
of it\'s light.
And put moment
On my emotion feeling
The failure of my creation.

So i Well here sitting waiting.
Biting my lip,
Feeling a nefarious act
Deprave our love
from Grace
And Killing solace
From me loving my once love
One\'s again.
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