
No \"FAKE\" Fire Drill

Residents at high

land manor apartments

(aside from myself)

got rudely awakened -

by what sounded

like a screaming,

seething, and shrieking airplane

early morning hour

\'ere september eleventh

two thousand eighteen

with deafening decibel (at

maximum threshold)

ear piercing shrill alarm

rousing atavistic primal

Neanderthal tapping primal brain

if NOT a atheist secular humanist,

I would aver my linkedin match

(com mon lee) attributed

to Abel and/or Cain,

but whether broad

minded or parochial,

that deafening fire alarm

this bloke doth disdain

but to ears of


volunteer fire fighters,

that unbearable audio

warning tone beloved,

aye need not explain

how appreciative, and

reassure ring knowing

rough and ready persons fain

to selflessly risk


life and/or limb,

when trucking

extinguishing arsenal

with genuine gratitude to gain

demonstrating without

pomp and circumstance

the art of being humane

automatic reflexive


instincts second nature

where breathe, eat,

and live for others

a credo, dictum,

ethos deep ingrain

within every cell

of their sturdy bodies,

sans indefatigable as


Tarzan and Jane

on par with prestidigitation skill

visa vis tricks of the trade

discovered via legerdemain,

yet aside from

power house strength,

another salient trait

needed asper physically,

emotionally, and spiritually exhausting,

grueling, and taxing job,

would necessitate one to maintain

composure in the

midst of pandemonium

gamely, gingerly, and

gloriously fighting infernos

(WITHOUT any mon

key business)

while training, learning,

and exacting diligence

non harried styled

tailored swiftness!