
Nostalgia For Yesteryear Of Boyhood

(originally composed approximately a half 
dozen plus years since this revision now, 
September 13th 2018 ~ 12:48 ante meridiem, 
which missive, I came across scrolling down 

volatile Memory Lane.)

As my recent blank day of birth
passed by unevent
fully for this Earth
ling (one week ago this Friday,
with another love handle
round my abdominal girth
nostalgia and reminiscence
for childhood (now...

razed from sprawling roof
home and hearth
days of yore
(in modest mansion

memorialized with sentimental mirth
dwelling only situated 
in mind\'s eye
of this author\'s reduced

to fading words-worth...
324 Level road
Collegeville, Pennsylvania abode

gone with the wind 
faint feeble foray
attempted with poetic code

spurred this dim
ming reflection soon... 

near to come decades
will totally erode
reminiscence whar flowed 
nebulously gauzy, fuzzy,
and blurry cerebral blot, asper 
a Harris family emotional
and spiritual sanctuary,

(and mecca), that once glowed

with plenti good crackling cheer,
a household load

did with cavorting cameraderie,
and social IP 
(inter personal) node
where conviviality, gaity,

levity, et cetera slowed 
time to standstill, that irretrievable,

where froggy all toad
went a court\'n
on golden fish pond...
not quite storybook
past zipped faster
with each subsequent year

seems to fly at instagram,
snapchat, and shutterfly vear

really speed of light,
hence I decided to air
sentimental well a wear

how such compressed images
a veritable splotch tear
drop shaped (pardon me
asthma myopic eyes
wax nostalgic, viz moisten stare

into metaphorical crucible where
Boyce and Harriet (the
latter deceased) both did rear

myself and deux
darling sisters (a prayer
could deliver,
no greater loving siblings –
all three of us near

approximately close in age, ah mere...
ah such thoughts

doth wince the psyche
of this frankly earnest,
modest smart Alick
of me (just another brick)

now this blurb on
many a virtual wall
with just a mouse click
away for any to read,
and comment with sleight flick
of wrist if the mood
evokes any reaction.