
I think to much
Entrenched in my thoughts
I dig myself deeper into disrepair
Going down the rabbit hole
But I’ve been here so long the rabbit died

I’m Slowly descending to rock bottom
And it’s cold down here
Each attempt at escape ends with a crippling fall

I’m so far gone I can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel
And I miss when I was someone different

It’s to far though
An impossible marathon
And an endless rat race for company

Long introspection can only solve so many problems
It just leads to more in my case

Ideas are like weeds planting their roots deep in the forefront of my mind
They spread and I go from one tangent to another

There’s plenty of time to mull things over in this abyss
Over and over
But it get me nowhere

All feelings hurt the same here
Different shades of grey

Love is a double edged sword
And make sure to keep your back to the wall

Don’t try to sit back in relaxation
The chair will only pulled from beneath you

Rest is merely a trap to temp you
For you to know how starved of happiness you are

You will find nothing in this dry well of sadness
But you won’t want to leave
In time you will trap yourself here