
Memories that make you die inside.

Try as I might but I always fail,

in forgetting this tale I come to no avail,

the incident in question occurred 10 years ago,

i was attending school and my IQ was low,

making my way to the main yard after leaving the canteen,

little did I know, someone had planned something mean,


I sat with my buddies, a pupil came over and offered us a fizzy drink,

the ones in the canteen were too expensive, so I said yes and didn’t think,

the guy was passive aggressive he told me “Jake, you can drink that!”,

i took the can not knowing I would regret it, soon thinking “You absolute t...!”,

I quenched my first with a big gulp, causing everyone to point and laugh,

even my friends joined in, one of them took a photograph,


The cackles helped me instantly realise exactly what had happened,

this moment was far worse than any anxiety dream I had imagined, 

someone played a prank by spitting a greeny inside a can on coke,

the humiliation combined with anger and disgust caused me to sweat heavily, freeze up and choke.