Poetic Dan

It\'s everyone and everything

Everything happens for a reason
Signs are everywhere and constant
You\'re so unperfectly you to get exactly what you need

It took me so long to get used to this
But I can\'t believe what happened yesterday.

I have to talk into my phone to help me spell or I see the predictive (used it) word and take a guess hoping it is right.

I commented on a video of an amazing friend of light, who\'s guided me to be even more open to myself.

This was the comment

I am love
I am fear
In this red
I am me
I am you

Shalom Aleichem

Now this was ment to say \"salaam alaikum,\" so looked up the other word and couldn\'t believe things uncovered.

Shalom Aleichem
This Jewish man born 1859 in Ukraine
1916 he would depart from New York

A fiddler and a writer and did quite a lot
The first quote I read blow my head right off! Over a hundred years ago it was said so perfectly well, I will leave his words with you hoping it helps us all in getting out of what we\'re creating ourselves.

\"Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor.\"