Poetic Dan

Universal language

It hits you like a tone of bricks
Nothing to be seen just look like a moody git
Nothing broken although moving is a chore
No headache is pounding but every noise is triggering you off
The tears and anger swirl round inside your head
The useless feeling just keeps you washed away
Every second starts to become as bad as the last
For the cure you know is deep within your grasp
But you fail to get out of your own intended path
So I open myself and let all out before I do my job
As I\'m reminded by the dogs to just walk it off
Let go of the thoughts and let your energy talk
Depression may be silent to us but not to them
As vibration and energy is the only true universal language
That will say you\'re worth every breath you take
There is nothing wrong with you and your purpose is you
To just be and exist in everything that you do