The Gifted One

Ain’t No Sunshine When He’s Gone

Ain’t no sunshine when he’s gone

A quite descant plays of a disunited song

As I stand among the vast universe, yet alone

Echoing whispers, now deaf tones

My heart aches for his love, his forbidden touch

The ecstasy he instills deep inside of me, the carnal rush

I wonder if his love will ever return

Will I ever refuse to learn

Pity does not excuse the absence to yearn

Rendering me defenseless in the covetousness of his beautiful slow burn

Karma, destiny fate, foundation remained, unshook

Bodies drifting amid the constellations, baited breaths we took

Palms locked, undying love soaring, kindred spirits correlating

Essence coveting, releasing of pearly seeds migrating

Surrendering the will of runaway passion

Channeling my weather in any fashion

The galaxy I bestowed at the throne of your feet

Hungry desires of your soul, worshipping inside of me

Basking my soul in your inferno heat

Setting my heart aflame, heightened undercover of desire’s feast

Emotions engulfing dissipating into its raging flames

Closing my eyes, your soul sliding into my abyss as you once called out my name

Dark clouds, loss of forever, cascading rains soaking my pain

Tasting my teardrops on your heart as they permanently stain

Whatever chance we try, why deny

Reach out once again, and believe in us to fly

As we sour to new heights, indulge the passion, and entangle our souls among the majestic sky

The heart’s agony of defeat to question without any whys

Ain’t no sunshine when he’s gone