
A Tiny Seed


A beautiful cherub cautiously

Prepared the earth...she spaded and tilled,

Then carefully planted her small treasure

Her barren garden was watered

And fertilized...In a short time-

The miracle of life! The initial motion and growth

In her fertile field was manifest... first the shoot,

Then the stem, the leaves, and the first bloom.  

She felt a similar delight each year when she planted,

Watered and cultivated the small garden inside 

Her home. In both cases, the miracle of life

Was a supernal phenomenon. Nothing to compare

It to, no words to describe it. Definitely a Divine

Procedure. And just as her husband delighted in

Witnessing the growth of the first shoots

‘Popping their heads’ through the rich soil

Of the garden outside, he was delighted

Better said ecstatic about the inner growth

Taking place inside his wife. He could barely

Wait to see the little ‘head’ popping out

Of the garden within her.


c aaron